A Travellerspoint blog

We have arrived in Egypt!

sunny 99 °F
View Egypt - May 2011 on MeijiBlack's travel map.

We arrived in Cairo about 2:30 p.m. this afternoon. It is pleasantly warm - the weather on my phone says it's about 99 degrees. Downtown Cairo is everything I have read about - busy, noisy, dirty, cars everywhere ignoring the driving lanes, people crossing the street everywhere, with almost every type of architectural style you can think of.

Arrived at our hotel, the Talisman de Charm Hotel, and turned on the television to find out that Osama bin Laden has been killed.

We are now heading out to the Cairo train station to purchase our train tickets for the overnight sleeper train on Thursday. As tempting as it is to go straight to sleep we need stay up for a few more hours.

Posted by MeijiBlack 07:39 Archived in Egypt Tagged traffic train_station cairo overnight_sleeper_train

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Glad that you and Tim arrived safely. George sends his best. Looking forward to reading all about your adventures!

Love, Chris

by Chris Sales

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